The Kalos Initiative

The Kalos Initiative is a not-for-profit organization seeking to unite a community through service by providing mentorship, training, and community events focused on youth to help overcome life challenges with confidence.

Kalos serves the Big Bend area in Florida and is operating in Jefferson County.

Our Core Values

We “Expect the Best”

  • We believe in each other.
  • We build each other up through words of affirmation and encouragement.

We Give “Respect”

  • We respect ourselves.
  • We respect others as we appreciate and value each person’s contribution.

We “Act”

  • We seek to build self-confidence by speaking truth in love and discovering the beauty in everyone.
  • We serve other locally, nationally, and worldwide through community events and missions.
Kalos Logo

About Us

The goal of Kalos is to change the mindset of young women from victim to victor. Everyone experiences trauma at some point in their lives. It doesn’t matter what happens in your life, we must make a choice daily, minute by minute to be who we are called to be or not.

When trauma or life events happen, it is an opportunity for lies to plant themselves in our hearts and mind that can shape the way we think about ourselves and others. We have all heard the saying, “that it takes a village to raise a child.” Kalos would like to be a part of your village by providing positive activities for youth to participate in.